
Since October 9, 2021, Jennifer, Susan and Bill have written regular blog postings on the website. Since all of their postings are no longer being published on that site by the new DCRP team, we are republishing those posts written by those three authors (all are now members of the DCR United team) to provide continuity. Going forward, new blog postings published after June 15, 2024, will be shown here.

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AP Photo by Gerald Herbert.. © Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Licensed for our use.

Jul 15 2024

A Republic IF We Unite

There has never been a more critical time for us to unite. Unite as a country and more importantly, unite as Republicans. The stakes are too high to do anything less. The importance of the November election is so high that we have to unite to “close the deal,” not only with the Presidency but in House and Senate elections as well. Sure, current events (the debate, polling, Biden’s “big boy” press conference, the assassination attempt, the Judge Cannon ruling, the RNC National Convention) have created be the strongest trail wind going into the final phase of a Presidential election in living memory. However, we cannot merely be reactive to current events and trust only to chance to get the results we want. We MUST BE PROACTIVE and work to become fully united. United, we can potentially win the federal elections but also protect Texas and even possibly extend the coat tails of the federal elections to the county level.

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Nov 11 2023

The E-Pollbook Saga Continues

Here we go again . . .   You may recall my December 9, 2022, blog titled “It Is Time to Get Rid of Black Box Voting” (click to read). You may also recall the issues we had on the November 8, 2022, Election Day voting with the E-Pollbooks surging at the close of the voting polls – far in excess of the number of voters who checked in at the locations.  History is repeating itself. 

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Feb 17 2023

The Great Biden Balloon Beclownment

Since the final long-delayed downing of the Chinese Spy Balloon on February 4th, the Biden Administration directed the United States Air Force to shoot down three other “unidentified flying objects” also found in North American airspace; two in the US and one in Canada.

In what appears to be a rush to deflect from the fiasco of the Chinese Spy Balloon affair, Biden tried to show that he could fling missiles around with the best of them.

Hilarity ensued.

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Jan 13 2023

Bus Trip to Austin

Over 81% of Republicans chose in our March 1 Primary that their #5 Legislative Priority would be to ban the common practice of appointing members of the minority party as Committee Chairs. It was affirmed by the delegates attending the Republican Party of Texas State Convention in Houston this past June.

To support the Legislative Priority of appointing, Republican County Parties (including the Dallas County Republican Party) from all over Texas chartered buses and formed car caravans to convey hundreds of grassroots Republicans to Austin to meet with our Representatives and fill the Gallery in the House. Over 600 wore red t-shirts to make ourselves visible. You can see us in the Gallery in the attached photo.  Over 1,000 attended and made their voices heard.

Along the way something happened.

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Dec 16 2022

Introducing the Restoring Trust in Elections Project

We clearly struck a chord with last Friday’s blog posting of December 9th! The article is resonating with people throughout and well beyond Dallas County.

I have been contacting other County Chairs and I can tell you that we are not alone! There are plenty of other counties that are facing the same lack of trust in voting machine issues that Dallas County is facing, and I am working to lead a coalition do something about it.

Texas needs to lead the charge in fixing the voting machine problem that faces many counties and states across our nation.

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Sep 23 2022

Help Protect Election Integrity: Become a Poll Watcher

In summary, what do Poll Watchers do? Poll Watcher … well, first and foremost … watch. They then report their observations. That’s it in a nutshell. It is a noble calling.

Our volunteer Poll Watchers serve a vital role in the voting process by helping to protect election integrity in our Dallas County Voting Centers. Poll Watchers are the last line of protection in the elections process that helps ensure free, fair and legal elections. Poll Watchers simply observe voting operations and report any anatomies or irregulates up the chain to the DCRP Elections Integrity Committee for any action that may be necessary. The overall goal is to make sure elections in Dallas County are conducted according to Texas laws and the election code.

This year, the DCRP has more than doubled the size of our Poll Watcher corps and we are still recruiting new members. We want the November 8th General Election to be the most well-observed election ever.

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