
Since October 9, 2021, Jennifer, Susan and Bill have written regular blog postings on the website. Since all of their postings are no longer being published on that site by the new DCRP team, we are republishing those posts written by those three authors (all are now members of the DCR United team) to provide continuity. Going forward, new blog postings published after June 15, 2024, will be shown here.

Found 51 results.

Sep 12 2024

Don’t Be Confused About Nov 5

There is confusion as to what is on the ballot on November 5. Note that I said, “what,” and not, “who.”

That’s because it’s really not about “who.”

Boiled all the way down, this is not a contest between Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump. It’s not even a contest between two political parties. And it goes well beyond such things as tax policy, fiscal policy and national defense.

The 2024 election is a contest between two governing visions for this 235-year-old republic – two governing visions that have seldom in our history been more divergent.

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Aug 15 2024

SREC 3rd Quarter Meeting, 2024

The Republican Party of Texas (RPT) is guided by an Executive Committee.  There are 31 Senate Districts in Texas and two representatives from each Senate District (SD) are elected at the Biennial Republican Party of Texas Convention, recently held in San Antonio May 23-25, 2024.  An SREC Committeeman and an SREC Committeewoman were elected from each SD making 62 members.

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Aug 07 2024

Lightning Strikes Twice!

At this time in our nation many of us are laser focused on the upcoming November election, putting behind us a brutal impeachment trial and equally brutal primary election. We all know that Texas is that “last safe zone” to where normal people are heading. Texans are now planning to show up en masse to protect the last bastion of freedom in the US. God help us if we don’t.

While thousands of us are rightfully engaged, enlightened and energized for November, many of us are working overtime to look ahead to the upcoming local elections in May, 2025. Filing deadlines for Municipal and School Board races begin mid-January and end mid-February. 

Now is the time to change YOUR city for the better!

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AP Photo by Fernando Vergara. © Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Licensed for our use.

Jul 29 2024

Lessons From a Failing State

In 2016, Venezuela had 30.7 million people but became engulfed in political and economic crises, which led to more than 7.7 million people leaving the country. How did this oil-rich country, which used to be the third-richest country in the hemisphere, get into so much trouble? In the recent Presidential election, Venezuela’s opposition party alleges massive government corruption. It has been widely reported that Maduro had used fraud and physical force to retain power when all polls showed the opposition party and candidate had won. There are reports of ballot boxes being seized and burned. 

Further, as Red State reported today, "Kamala Harris and Joe Biden had different ideas. While the press will no doubt bury the story, the current administration was at the center of this fraudulent election, having handed Maduro sanctions relief in exchange for "free and fair elections."  That sounds like a great deal in exchange for only a hollow promise. Just two weeks before the elections, Kamala and Joe throw Maduro a bone and a boatload of economic benefits. Figures, I guess; leftists supporting leftists.

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Jul 24 2024

The Magic 8 Ball: Democrat Candidate Selector Edition

Vice President Kamala Harris is being anointed as the Democrat Presidential Candidate after President Joe Biden’s awkward exit from the race just weeks before the Democrat National Committee Convention. More accurately, Democrat elites and the left-wing media are attempting to sell her to Democrat voters as the savior of the Democrat Party. This is not a subtle sell, it is very heavy handed. In Democrat-think, such decisions are too important to be left to rank-and-file Democrat voters or even a truly open convention of delegates; a very small group of elites must step in and stage-manage everything for the "good of the Party." It is a coronation.

As best as I can figure, it was a decision that appears to be driven by the iconic Magic 8 Ball toy. Primary votes don’t count, only the will of some Democrat elites who asked the Magic 8 Ball, “Who should we nominate?” Shook up the 8 Ball and flipped it over to read, “Answer Unclear. Try Kamala.

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AP Photo by Gerald Herbert.. © Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Licensed for our use.

Jul 15 2024

A Republic IF We Unite

There has never been a more critical time for us to unite. Unite as a country and more importantly, unite as Republicans. The stakes are too high to do anything less. The importance of the November election is so high that we have to unite to “close the deal,” not only with the Presidency but in House and Senate elections as well. Sure, current events (the debate, polling, Biden’s “big boy” press conference, the assassination attempt, the Judge Cannon ruling, the RNC National Convention) have created be the strongest trail wind going into the final phase of a Presidential election in living memory. However, we cannot merely be reactive to current events and trust only to chance to get the results we want. We MUST BE PROACTIVE and work to become fully united. United, we can potentially win the federal elections but also protect Texas and even possibly extend the coat tails of the federal elections to the county level.

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Jun 14 2024

The Next Chapter

 It has been my greatest honor to serve each of you as Chair of the Dallas County Republican Party over the last three years. I am very grateful for your support, encouragement, volunteerism and hard work.  Together we have accomplished great things.   And, we are leaving the Party in a sound financial position with over $100,000 and a clean audit.  Please see Treasurer Mark Alegnani’s report and the audit..

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May 17 2024

Leaving a Legacy

I came into the Chairmanship in August 2021 – in the aftermath of the failed 2020 Presidential election. To say that the Dallas County Republican Party was ready for a restart is an understatement that few can appreciate.

The Party was all but obsolete. In less than three years, with the blessing of an amazing staff and an army of dedicated and resilient volunteers, we have built a lasting legacy of which to be proud.

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