
Since October 9, 2021, Jennifer, Susan and Bill have written regular blog postings on the website. Since all of their postings are no longer being published on that site by the new DCRP team, we are republishing those posts written by those three authors (all are now members of the DCR United team) to provide continuity. Going forward, new blog postings published after June 15, 2024, will be shown here.

Found 51 results.

Nov 01 2022

Make-Believe Crashes into Reality

The Left's reliance on make-believe is unfettered. More to the point, it is their modus operandi.

Pretend that a war on our domestic energy industry will reduce gas prices.

Pretend that defunding and demoralizing the police will reduce crime.

Pretend that massive government spending will reduce inflation.

Pretend that ignoring the Constitution will make us better.

But, reality has a funny way of intruding on one’s make-believe world to make course corrections. That is the problem with make-believe worlds, at some point the thin walls of the bubble bursts and in crashes reality.

In our Constitutional Republic, reality asserts itself at the ballot box. Bubbles burst.

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Oct 28 2022

A Profound Act of Political Malpractice

The collective wisdom is that people can’t take their eyes off of a trainwreck; that we are hardwired to observe disasters as they happen A trainwreck holds a peculiar fascination for observers.

Well, personally, I reached my limit Tuesday night.

Like a lot of people, I tuned in to see the Pennsylvania Senate Debate between John Fetterman, the Democratic Lt. Governor of the state, and Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz on Tuesday night. This will be the only debate of the race. The Democrats think they have (or more accurately "had," until Tuesday night) a chance of flipping the seat.

The debate was too painful to watch to the end. I had to turn it off. It was a trainwreck that I simply could not watch for long. Fetterman didn't simply lose a debate, it was an act of self-immolation. Yes, Fetterman is the opposition for a race to control the Senate but watching Fetterman’s sad performance and self-destruction seemed dirty even if it was a political opponent.

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Oct 24 2022

November 2022 Election - Time For Change and Time to Choose

On July 29, 2021, Dallas County Republican Party elected Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu as Chairwoman and permanently lowered the white flag of surrender and began mounting the greatest effort on offense to take back Dallas County and restore it to its former glory of law and order, fiscal responsibility and common sense leadership.

For the first time in a decade, we have great hope of reversing the downward spiraling of Dallas County into the new Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles. Pick one, pick any as every one of these once-great cities has deteriorated under progressive socialist leadership. 

Dallas County Republican Party is not waving the white flag of surrender. Are you? This is your choice. Will you make the right one? This should be an easy one. Take a stand; make a difference. Show up and vote!

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Oct 21 2022

Share These 8 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Left The Democrat Party With Your Democrat-Voting Friends

From the Federalist, "The eight reasons Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrat Party are perfect for explaining to your common-sense Democrat-voting friends and family why their party has left them behind."

Forward by Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu, Dallas County Republican Party Chair.

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Oct 14 2022

Bidenflation, the Cruelest Tax

Things are bigger in Texas. Unfortunately, that also now includes inflation. The inflation rate in DFW is higher than the national figures. In Dallas-Fort Worth, inflation remained above the U.S. average in September as higher utilities, rent, and food prices drove local inflation up 9.2% from a year ago.

When inflation really hits home is during trips to the grocery store (using gas that is harder to afford.) All of the food items in a shopping cart at your local mega mart are 10% above last year. Leading the pack, according to the Dallas Morning News on October 13th, fruits and vegetables are up 21.9% over last year. Only Daddy War Bucks can afford to tell Little Orphan Annie to eat her vegetables. The cost of "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is really expensive healthcare advice.

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Oct 07 2022

Let-'em-go Creuzot MUST GO! Faith Johnson for Dallas County DA!

Reminiscing back to the 80's and reading of the deep corruption of the Mexican government and thinking, "thank God we live in America! That will never happen here!" Well, guess what. In our own backyard, it is here. People just have to shake their heads in amazement that a Dallas County Criminal District Attorney, elected by residents to prosecute people who break the law, would give mass absolution and look the other way from hundreds of people who now blatantly break the law. And who openly thumb their noses at our hard-working police, who feel that they are spinning their wheels trying to protect law-abiding citizens from chronic offenders.

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Sep 30 2022

Pure Evil ...Too Late for James Younger?

How is this allowed to happen?  In a world turned upside down, the plight of this now 10-year-old boy and his twin brother that is caught in a tragic tug of war child custody case continues.  This little boy has been tossed to an apparently misguided mother to be taken across state lines in order to commit child abuse of an unconscionable level by an activist judge in a Dallas court.

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Sep 23 2022

Help Protect Election Integrity: Become a Poll Watcher

In summary, what do Poll Watchers do? Poll Watcher … well, first and foremost … watch. They then report their observations. That’s it in a nutshell. It is a noble calling.

Our volunteer Poll Watchers serve a vital role in the voting process by helping to protect election integrity in our Dallas County Voting Centers. Poll Watchers are the last line of protection in the elections process that helps ensure free, fair and legal elections. Poll Watchers simply observe voting operations and report any anatomies or irregulates up the chain to the DCRP Elections Integrity Committee for any action that may be necessary. The overall goal is to make sure elections in Dallas County are conducted according to Texas laws and the election code.

This year, the DCRP has more than doubled the size of our Poll Watcher corps and we are still recruiting new members. We want the November 8th General Election to be the most well-observed election ever.

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