Since October 9, 2021, Jennifer, Susan and Bill have written regular blog postings on the website. Since all of their postings are no longer being published on that site by the new DCRP team, we are republishing those posts written by those three authors (all are now members of the DCR United team) to provide continuity. Going forward, new blog postings published after June 15, 2024, will be shown here.
Found 14 results.
Democrats have not won a state-wide election in many years, mainly due to statewide conservative rural areas, which offset the 5 largest blue counties. Yet they are vowing to get up again and get to work TODAY to work on turning Texas blue! This is how the Democrats turned Dallas County blue...slowly and surely over the last 25+- years. If nothing else they are very patient. There were some conservative victories. All eight of the Court of Appeals candidates recruited under Jennifer's leadership, including the new Chief Justice of the Fifth Court of Appeals, Justice JJ Koch won, and Republicans now dominate the 13 Panel Court. And Dallas County Republicans managed to keep its two incumbent Texas House Districts, District 108 and District 112, in spite of unprecedented opposition from members of the Dallas County Republican Party. God bless every one of you who put a sign in your yard, block walked for Republicans and helped in any way to get out the vote! We worked hard and put Trump back in, but not in Dallas County. In Dallas County, Democrats swept almost every race.
Read MoreTexas SB14 Passes In Texas House
What a huge success for Texas children! Republican Party Legislative Priority "Ban Gender Modification" in the form of SB 14 passes the House 87- 56 in spite of huge protests in the House Gallery, which delayed it twice. Friday, May 12, 2023. This day should be respected as the day on which an extremely courageous Democrat, Shawn Thierry stood up for children all over Texas and stood strong against the horrors of surgically or medically mutilating children who do not have the developed maturity to make decisions of this nature.
Read MoreFor the first time ever the Dallas County Republican Party is openly committed to Local Elections for Municipal and School Board races. It all begins at the local level! We've gathered a core group of candidates all across Dallas County for which we are proudly supporting to reverse the liberal stranglehold on the City of Dallas and surrounding Dallas County.
This is not a one-election miracle enfolding, but a focused effort to make a difference over however long it takes. We choose to stand and fight! Our website DallasGOP now reaches over 50,000 new Republicans every month to get the latest information to Dallas County and to educate our voters on upcoming elections, events, training, candidates, precinct chairs and getting out the vote. It all depends on YOU! Please VOTE during the May 6 Election.
Read MoreWhy We Fight
We have focused on supporting our families, raising our children, and worshipping our God in whatever form that may be. We voted for those we thought were doing their jobs for the good of the whole community and left them to discover that they had incredible power to do the bidding of a few. Their 'job' ended up being just a facade for their 'agenda'. Incrementally, they pushed 'their' agenda into whatever nook and cranny they could find a place to drive a wedge. The City of Dallas and Dallas County once were strong Republican strongholds.
It is important to understand why we fight to stop the damage done in Dallas County. Please VOTE for your City Council and School Board Candidates on May 6. Know your candidates. Get informed and involved. Save our Cities and Schools.
Stay tuned.
Read MoreBuilding the Republican Party in Dallas County!
Republicans are considerably outnumbered in Dallas County! Therefore, it is incumbent on us to begin to seek out and register Republican voters and then get them to the polls on election day. When 50,000 Katrina survivors came to Dallas County in 2005 for refuge, we welcomed them with open arms, thinking that they would gradually return to their native New Orleans and continue rebuilding their homes and lives. They fell in love with Dallas and stayed here, bringing almost all staunch Democrat voters permanently. In 2006 our Republican majority Judicial Court Judges were swept out of office and replaced with Democrats. We've not yet been able to reverse that trend.
There are many ways to register new voters in Dallas County! The first step is to begin with training and certification from Dallas County Elections Department. We will be holding Deputy Voter Registrar training at DCRP HQ on Saturday, February 11 at 10:00 am. Requiring only an hour of your time, you will leave with your full certification to register voters. Come and join us!
Read MoreWhat are YOUR issues that are most concerning to YOU and your family in Dallas or surrounding suburban areas?
We need you now more than ever for change! It is imperative you know for WHOM you are voting and can ask the hard questions regarding what kind of leadership they can provide. These candidates will not have an R or a D by their names, but having a conversation with them will help you choose. If you don't heed the call to run for office, then volunteer to block walk, make phone calls, and contribute to your candidates' campaigns. Our website calendar will be filled with candidate meet & greets and offer you an opportunity to ask them questions about what issues are concerning to YOU and your family. This will be a very low-turnout election and just a few votes will vastly affect the outcomes. Please make your vote count with informed decisions.
Read MoreBus Trip to Austin
Over 81% of Republicans chose in our March 1 Primary that their #5 Legislative Priority would be to ban the common practice of appointing members of the minority party as Committee Chairs. It was affirmed by the delegates attending the Republican Party of Texas State Convention in Houston this past June.
To support the Legislative Priority of appointing, Republican County Parties (including the Dallas County Republican Party) from all over Texas chartered buses and formed car caravans to convey hundreds of grassroots Republicans to Austin to meet with our Representatives and fill the Gallery in the House. Over 600 wore red t-shirts to make ourselves visible. You can see us in the Gallery in the attached photo. Over 1,000 attended and made their voices heard.
Along the way something happened.
Read MoreThis quote is more often than not attributed to Edmund Burke, but his credit has often been disputed. But a truer statement has never been made, regardless of who said it. Many of you reading this have now come to realize how some of the evil that has permeated our country has been so incrementally slow over the past 50 years that we didn't notice how it was affecting our daily lives.
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