
Since October 9, 2021, Jennifer, Susan and Bill have written regular blog postings on the website. Since all of their postings are no longer being published on that site by the new DCRP team, we are republishing those posts written by those three authors (all are now members of the DCR United team) to provide continuity. Going forward, new blog postings published after June 15, 2024, will be shown here.

Found 15 results.

Sep 18 2023

Forgive and Forget

These are words that we live by as people of Faith.  But these are words that too many of us forget to live by politically. Forgiving and forgetting should be at the foremost of our minds today, after suffering through the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Our Dallas County Republican Party Executive Committee condemned the State House impeachment procedure – for good reason.  Impeachment should be an extreme remedy and not tossed around lightly as we have seen too often as of late.  To push an impeachment through a legislative body in a few hours at the end of a long legislative session on the heels of criticism of the House Speaker’s sobriety on the floor does not seem to me to be prudent. Let’s be honest, it just looks like retaliation.

Now we move on. As Republicans protecting the great State of Texas, we must unite and move on. We cannot allow Democrats, the media, and even ourselves to get in the way of uniting all conservatives across our county, state and country.

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Apr 21 2023

One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Justice for All

We constantly hear cries that the Democrats are always united and Republicans are seen as bickering.  In some ways that is true.  It is nothing new and has been going on for many years.  You have all heard me say “The best thing about Republicans is that they are each fiercely independent, and the worst thing about Republicans is that they are each fiercely independent.”  On this we can probably all agree.  But, as we embark on what is likely to be a lively Republican Presidential Primary, we need to reflect on why, at the end of the day, we must be united.  And, that is to preserve our Republic, freedom and the American culture.  We, as Republicans are in a fight to preserve our way of life in our country.

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Mar 30 2023

All Americans Must Stand!

This blog is not a Republican blog.  It is not a conservative blog.  It is an American blog.  The weaponization of the legal system to advance any political agenda, let alone a radical political agenda, is not just political persecution – it is un-American.  Those who hate President Trump, hate American values.  They hate you, and they hate me.  They hate patriotism – and they do not care whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent.  They have an agenda.

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Mar 17 2023

Every Vote Counts - Don't Waste Yours

We have all heard the saying: “Every Vote Counts.” And, it could not be more true than in local municipal and school board elections.  Why?  Because very few people vote, making your vote even more powerful.  In the last municipal election cycle throughout Dallas County, less than 7% of the registered voters actually voted. LESS THAN 7%!  While that does not seem possible, it is the reality.  And of those who voted, Democrats show up on a much larger scale than Republicans. 

Given the critical importance of local elections, it is very hard to understand the apathy of any voters, let alone conservative voters.  The decisions of our City Council, particularly in our weak Mayor system, affect our daily lives more than many of the national issues we hear about in the media.  In fact, many of the landmark federal policies in this country have emanated from the local level.

We must be active at the local level to hold out elected officials accountable, stop policies we do not agree with, and create the change that we want not only at home, but throughout the country.

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Dec 16 2022

Introducing the Restoring Trust in Elections Project

We clearly struck a chord with last Friday’s blog posting of December 9th! The article is resonating with people throughout and well beyond Dallas County.

I have been contacting other County Chairs and I can tell you that we are not alone! There are plenty of other counties that are facing the same lack of trust in voting machine issues that Dallas County is facing, and I am working to lead a coalition do something about it.

Texas needs to lead the charge in fixing the voting machine problem that faces many counties and states across our nation.

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Dec 09 2022

It Is Time to Get Rid of Black Box Voting

Dallas County like much of Texas has very real problems with our current voting systems. After three years of diligent effort, we strongly believe that our current generation of voting equipment and processes have failed to win the trust of a large part of the public. We have tried to work with these systems but no longer think that these can be made trustworthy.

We strongly believe that we can’t put our votes at risk any further.

We simply must get opaque voting systems (those that are not transparent) out of our election systems. That means no machines with modems or internet connections of any kind. 

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Oct 21 2022

Share These 8 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Left The Democrat Party With Your Democrat-Voting Friends

From the Federalist, "The eight reasons Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrat Party are perfect for explaining to your common-sense Democrat-voting friends and family why their party has left them behind."

Forward by Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu, Dallas County Republican Party Chair.

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