Blog Article

Jan 27 2023

Upcoming Municipal & School Board Elections. Its all about LOCAL!

What are YOUR issues that are most concerning to YOU and your family in Dallas or surrounding suburban areas?

Are you concerned about the lack of adequate police and the alarming declining rate of attrition by our LEOs resulting in a constant increase of crime?  When District Attorney John Cruezot was elected, he said that the jails were too crowded and announced he would not prosecute crimes of less than $750.  What a snowball effect that had increasing crime all over Dallas County!  During Covid, the court dockets slowed to a snail's pace, became backlogged and oh, by the way, there was no room in the jails.  And since the DA wasn't going to prosecute, the jails were full and bail reform allowed violent criminals to be out on the streets within hours of their arrest, no sense in police catching criminals and taking them in, right?  What a mess.  That one bad decision has filtered down into every Dallas neighborhood.  So why in the world would anyone vote to re-elect more defective "leadership"?  

Are you concerned about private development grinding to a halt because the building permit process had become corrupted and badly managed?  The poster child for private development being halted is the former Valley View Mall which has become a wasteland while trying to get that one through the Planning & Zoning Commission.  That one piece of property has become an eyesore while bogged down in the quagmire that is most beaucracies.  And just look at the lack of building cranes in south Dallas, where it is so badly needed! 

Are you concerned about the hundreds of homeless encampments scattered across the underpasses of every major highway?  The trash, the vagrancy, the drug and alcohol addicts return within days of each site being cleared and restored.  And they are still addicts getting no help. But wait, the City of Dallas just spent $5 million of the $20 million bond package to buy an old hotel and provide permanent (ware)housing for drug and alcohol addicts.  What will go on behind those closed doors once they are hidden from public sight? Will the homeless receive the help they need?

Are you concerned with the thousands of schoolchildren being indoctrinated rather than educated in our public schools? The one good thing about Covid was the exposure through zoom classes of the Critical Race Theory and Social Emotional Learning being taught to our children.  Parents were able to listen for themselves what was being taught, and it set their hair on fire.   Are they promoting gender dysphoria amongst our youngest and most easily confused who spend 7 hours a day with our teachers and principals? Are you concerned with your children being sexualized as young as 5 and 6 years of age? Are you concerned with teachers telling their students not to share this indoctrination with their parents?  Have you checked the content on the library shelves of your child's school?  Is there a school board election in your district on May 6?  You say you don't have children in the schools any longer and don't have an interest in school board elections?  How about your grandchildren, or your neighbor's children?

Mayoral, City Councils and School Boards in Dallas and all surrounding suburban Cities began candidate filing on January 17 and will continue to take applications until February 17 for our upcoming Municipal and School Board Elections being held on May 6.  Early voting will begin around April 25 or 26.  The exact day has not yet been announced.  Step up to fill the challenge to make a difference in your own districts.  We need you now more than ever for change!  It is imperative you know for WHOM you are voting and can ask the hard questions regarding what kind of leadership they can provide.  These candidates will not have an R or a D by their names, but having a conversation with them will help you choose.  If you don't heed the call to run for office, then volunteer to block walk, make phone calls, and contribute to your candidates' campaigns.  Our website calendar will be filled with candidate meet & greets and offer you an opportunity to ask them questions about what issues are concerning to YOU and your family.  This will be a very low-turnout election and just a few votes will vastly affect the outcomes.  Please make your vote count with informed decisions.  

We will also need new Early Voting Alternate Judges and Clerks as we can now split very long 12-hour election days.  We will need poll watchers.  We need many more Judges, Clerks and poll watchers on Election Day all over Dallas County.  You can help in myriad ways.  It takes just a spark to light a fire.

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