Blog Article

Jun 14 2024

The Next Chapter

 It has been my greatest honor to serve each of you as Chair of the Dallas County Republican Party over the last three years. I am very grateful for your support, encouragement, volunteerism and hard work.  Together we have accomplished great things.   And, we are leaving the Party in a sound financial position with over $100,000 and a clean audit.  Please see Treasurer Mark Alegnani’s report and the audit below.

As my team and I move forward, we wish the very best to Chaiman-Elect West and his team.  We have left them a strong Party upon which to build, and we all must join and support the Party.  As President Trump recently said at a rally in New Jersey, “If we do not come together to win, our differing ideologies will be irrelevant, because the far left woke Marxist ideology will run our states and country.”  President Trump has thoroughly embraced our need to stop the divisive behavior and embrace all Republicans.  Unity was one of his primary messages as he visited the Republicans in the House and Senate this past week.  The greatest disappointment I experienced as your Chair was to witness the incredible division within our own Party. The “my way or the highway” attitude espoused by some individuals, who are the minority, puts self above all else and cannot be tolerated.  This minority, possibly unwittingly, are doing the job of the Democrats – to divide and conquer Republicans across Texas.  Texas is the last stand.  The Republic we all know and value will not survive without her.  We must put aside our differences and all work for the same goal – win the Presidency, Ted Cruz’s Senate seat, the House and Senate, Appellate Court Justices and elect all the Texas Republicans we possibly can.  With this in mind,  I challenge each of you to reach out to a fellow Republican with whom you have disagreed on a candidate or a policy and mend the fence.  Only together can we defeat the evil far left Marxist agenda.

As for my incredible team and our next chapter – we are not saying goodbye!  Rather we say THANK YOU and we hope to continue to work with you all for years to come.  We fully intend to keep up the good fight, and to that endeavor, we are establishing Dallas County Republicans United PAC aka DCR United!   We will continue to message Republicans, promote unity amongst ALL Republicans, recruit new voters, support Republican candidates, and work tirelessly for obtainable election integrity. We will be launching our initiative next week. We will hold events, publish blogs, and support the Party any way we can. Please join us at (which will be active on Monday).  You can reach our team as follows:






Mark Alegnani’s Financial Report

Click here to download

DCRP Audit Report

Click Here to Download


Added by dankraemer73

Thank you for your work and service in straightening out the Dallas County GOP. The conservatives don't seek division within the party, but when the establishment impeaches a very popular conservative AG, who is fighting bravely against a tyrannical federal government, there will be a strong backlash. Hopefully, the establishment learned a lesson after losing fifteen incumbents to never pull a stunt like that again. The majority of Republicans, which are MAGA, have moved on from the Chamber of Commerce and the big money corporatists who controlled the GOP for many decades. The establishment needs to understand they are in the minority, and if they continue to undermine the more conservative representatives, their bought and paid-for politicians will continue to be purged from the GOP with no apologies.
Added by Diane Truitt

Jennifer, Susan and Mary, I greatly appreciate all the mentoring and encouraging attitude that emanated from the GOP HQ that helped me, a total novice precinct chair who entered the fray a mere 7 months ago!
The party and the county were very blessed to have you three Muskateers turning Dallas County GOP from, as Senator Bob Hall said at our January CEC meeting, "a joke into the gold standard." Looking forward to what lies ahead with DCR United.
Added by Steve McDaniel

Our outgoing Dallas County Party leader, Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu leaves office with grace and dignity after doing an amazing job in helping the county party make an amazing comeback. She and her team have done a remarkable job at turning the party around and reviving it in our county. She has set things up so that it is now positioned to do amazing things under our new leadership from Lt. Col. Allen West.

Lt. Col. West has his work cut out for him if he is to match the great work Jennifer, Susan and Mary did, but he could come close and I am certainly pulling for him. I know in Rowlett, our outgoing team came through for us in flying colors. They were very easily accessible and did everything they could to help. I can only hope Lt. Col West and his team will be responsive like Jennifer and her team were and can come through for us and everyone else in the county as well as Jennifer and her team did.

My only disappointment over the last few years is with those who created strife and division within our party in the county. That division certainly did not come from our leadership. For those who want to fight, remember there is Democrat party you can fight with. Let's not be fighting each other.

It's time to stop the infighting and work together to win Dallas County back. Let's unite behind our new County leader Lt. Col. Allen West, but also unite behind Jennifer and her new venture, as well as everyone else who is willing to row the boat in the right direction and take our county back!
Added by Susan A Fountain

God Bless you Steve! We will be here working toward a common goal in Dallas County. ~ Susan
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