Blog Article

Jul 24 2024

The Magic 8 Ball: Democrat Candidate Selector Edition

Vice President Kamala Harris is being anointed as the Democrat Presidential Candidate after President Joe Biden’s awkward exit from the race just weeks before the Democrat National Committee Convention. More accurately, Democrat elites and the left-wing media are attempting to sell her to Democrat voters as the savior of the Democrat Party. This is not a subtle sell, it is very heavy handed. In Democrat-think, such decisions are too important to be left to rank-and-file Democrat voters or even a truly open convention of delegates; a very small group of elites must step in and stage-manage everything for the "good of the Party."

It is a coronation.

The Democrat power brokers forced Biden out.  And. Now they are stuck with the worst possible replacement candidate because of their own identity politics that made Kamala Vice President to begin with. As much as they might have wanted to pivot to another candidate, Kamala’s race and gender solidified her safety.  BUT, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 

As best as I can figure, it was a decision that appears to be driven by the iconic Magic 8 Ball toy. Primary votes don’t count, only the will of some Democrat elites who asked the Magic 8 Ball, “Who should we nominate?” Shook up the 8 Ball and flipped it over to read, “Answer Unclear. Try Kamala.

I’m only half joking. Democrats are between a rock and a hard place. They need a savior or even a Pied Piper, but they don’t have one handy. If they did, they would be pushing that person today. The best their DEI-driven filters can proffer is a shop-soiled Kamala Harris, a person of little accomplishment but queen of checking all the proper boxes for special interest groups.

They have to sell what they have, not what they wish they had.

Was it a coincidence that Biden debated Trump so long before the DNC convention?  Or, did the Democrat power brokers force that too to gain ammunition to dump Joe because he can barely walk let alone lead the most powerful country in the world.  So, maybe they have a similar set up ready for Kamala.  Give her enough rope to hand herself in the next few weeks so that a true savior of the Democratic Party can emerge at the convention.  Or, maybe they know they can control Kamala so they are rolling the dice with her and in the background planning how badly they can disrupt a second Trump Presidency.

Considering how malleable the rules of the Democrat Party are, it remains to be seen how the rank-and-file Democrats are going to take the crowning of Kamala. After all, the 14,465,519 people who had cast their Primary votes for Joe Biden just lost their voice; they were disenfranchised! Some are likely upset about that. The Democrat National Committee Convention is not being held until August 19 -22 in Chicago so there is a lot of water that remains to flow under this particular bridge before any nomination occurs.

I do find it a bit amusing that the Democrat elites have hijacked the very democracy they so vocally claim to defend. I guess the concept of irony has been suspended too.

Normally, I would think that Kamala becoming the official nominee would be the likely proforma outcome despite not getting a single vote in any Primary season.  Remember, when Kamala ran last time, she dropped out of the 2020 Primary before Iowa.  And, it was not long ago that stalwart Democrats were questioning whether Biden should select a different running mate for the 2024 campaign. Convention rules for the Democrats have always been both flexible and favor the will of their elites. Remember “Super Delegates” where all votes at convention are supposedly equal but some votes from certain elites are more equal than others.

Plus, they can change their rules almost anyway to cloak this in a façade to make everything appear neat and clean, albeit at the risk of alienating their own voters. The question is how much blowback will result?

Considering the volatility of politics this year, can anyone predict how this situation will turn out with everything that is in play?

We’re living in interesting times.

They are working hard to sell this quickly, blindly fast actually. As I write this, within 24-hours of Joe's the Associated Press (AP) Democratic Delegate Survey tabulates that Kamala has a “soft count” of 3,004 delegates of Joe Biden’s 3,905 total committed delegates. That was fast and more than a bit concerning! It is being spun as a done deal! However, that is just AP polling, it has no legal status or standing. Her press up to the convention will attempt to keep the deal closed with delegates. However, there will be a lot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering going on. The mechanics of casting those as convention votes will be very interesting behind the scenes, if you like smoke-filled rooms.

For now, the big question is how Kamala Harris will play out in the next few weeks before the convention. Sure, many Democrats are excited now; after supporting a empty suit for so long, some will see this as an upgrade, but Kamala is in a classic honeymoon period right now.

How is she going to play out in the vetting that will happen (assuming the press will conduct one) and the inevitable string of Kamala-esque word salads that will be coming? No, I’m not talking about her personal baggage in her backstory but serious policy, performance and political questions. This vetting could get spicy. Her performance, ever-changing policies and far-left positions are going to be fair game and definitely put into play.

How are people going to react to any perception of Kamala’s role in pushing Joe out of the race and perhaps the Presidency? Also, she has been very guilty of covering up for Joe; she has lied as much as anyone. What are going to be the repercussions?

Also, this all seems to be in such a rush. It reeks of pushing too much and too fast. This could produce blowback.

The praise for her will be over the top this week; FDR and JFK all rolled into one! Next week, not so much. All the initial enthusiasm is artificially manufactured. While it will result in a tidal wave of money and faux enthusiasm, it will be grossly disproportionate to any real-world support that exists. It will erode quickly as the level of her support normalizes to the real world.

Kamala as never been able to generate and hold much excitement for her candidacy. The more she talks, the less voters like her.

That is not to say that the left and their compliant media won't try to reinvent her. Expect a full-court press. There will be a flood of positive stories attempting to suppress her negatives. Also, her events will be tightly packaged and highly managed. They have no choice. But, Kamala will be Kamala. Her handlers are going to have their hands full.

Kamala’s first polling numbers should likely be equal to Joe’s, as bad as that is, but even that low level won’t be sustainable. It will only establish the high-water mark for her campaign before it begins to trend downward.

As Kamala plays out her hand, she will screw it up. Yes, there will be a persistent anti-Trump vote from the TDS cult but the more visible she becomes the more her traditional Democrat and independent support will erode. She simply cannot sustain a relationship with independent voters.

Also, and don’t discount this, my sense is that Joe Biden has used up most of the public’s BS quota. I don’t think voters will give her much slack.  Trump needs to stick to the issues and ignore the Democrat circus for now.  The issues are on his side.


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Added by Bill Anderton

The remaking of Kamala is indeed proceeding at full throttle:

But also, there is the beginning of a backlash about moving too quickly.
Added by Bill Anderton

Wise recommendation for leading in the polls, "Run like you are 10 points behind!"
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