Blog Article

Mar 10 2023

Texas and Florida Are Where Woke Goes To Die!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis headlined the Dallas County Republican Party’s most successful Reagan Day Dinner in the local Party’s history, setting an all-time fundraising record!

Lane Sullivan, Reagan Dinner Event Chairwoman, kicked off the evening at the Omni Dallas Hotel Saturday, March 4 where more than 700 GOP loyalists, patrons, elected officials, dignitaries and special guests gathered to honor the legacy of Ronald Reagan, 40tth President of the United States, celebrate our Grand Ole Party, and to pay tribute to Doug Deason, recipient of the Fred R. Meyer Lifetime Achievement Award.

Governor DeSantis delivered rousing remarks about countless battles fought and won by enacting policies against Covid-19 lockdowns, leftist critical race theory and woke gender ideology while facing dishonest attacks from the media. A Dallas Reagan Dinner exclusive, First Lady Casey DeSantis joined him onstage and led an engaging and enlightening fireside chat discussing the Governor’s new book, The Courage to Be Free, Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival.

From the book:

“What Florida has done is establish a blueprint for governance that has produced tangible results while serving as a rebuke to the entrenched elites who have driven our nation into the ground. Florida is proof positive that we the people are not powerless in the face of these elites.”


“If you’re not on offense, then you’re basically a sitting duck and you let these people come and just take potshots at you all the time. … It’s hard for them to keep up with you when you’re constantly doing new things and leading on different issues, and we’ve pretty much kept that pace going throughout my entire tenure as governor.”

DCRP Chairwoman Jennifer Hajdu discussed the accomplishments of the Party.  She and Executive Director Susan Fountain honored Wes Bowen for his contributions to train a force of 543 poll watchers over the past 5 years and Michael Slaton, who has served in Central Count at Dallas County Elections Department as Alternate Judge, with the well-deserved Volunteer of Year Award for their service. They have contributed hundreds of hours of their time to ensure fair and honest elections.

Chairwoman Hajdu and America First CEO Brooke Rollins paid tribute to Doug Deason’s contributions to the Republican Party vetting and financially supporting local candidates and serving as Dallas GOP Finance Chair, as well as serving on the Texas Public Policy Foundation board. On a national level, helping initiate with Rollins and Senator Ted Cruz and many others, the passage of landmark legislation, the First Step Act to address Bail Reform and signed into law by President Donald Trump. 

Immediately following Governor and First Lady DeSantis’ fireside chat, Jacki Deason, host of the Jacki Daily Show, moderated a panel discussion with the Texas Delegation of Congressional leaders Beth Van Duyne (TX-24), Chip Roy (TX- 21 ) and Dr. Ronny Jackson (TX-13)    

Many, many thanks to Presenting Sponsors Lisa and Kenny Troutt, the Doug and Darwin Deason Families for their generous underwriting support; Terry and Bob Rowling, Data Mob, Dallas Capital Bank, Ashford, Trinka Taylor,  who along with hundreds of individuals made this event possible.

It is truly exciting and heartwarming to see people who have the same goals for returning Dallas County to the Republicans for leadership coming together to contribute to help further this cause.  Without this support, it would not be possible to accomplish this vision.  Thank you to all who contributed to this great event and helped to move the needle further to the right.

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Added by dankraemer73

Trump 2024. Glad you raised a lot of money from the wealthy elite, but Trump represents the working class and will be the Republican nominee. The GOP chair refuses to acknowledge that Joe Biden is an illegitimate President because of election fraud. Until the Dallas GOP stops pandering to the Chamber of Commerce and the corporate donor class, the Dallas County GOP will continue to lose elections bigly. MAGA.
Added by Bill Anderton

Dan, you use “donor class” as if it were a pejorative. I for one am thankful for our donors of all sizes, both large and small. It takes money to operate a County Party and the more we can raise, the more we can do. Large and small donor support is greatly appreciated.

Note that I purposely use the word “appreciated” because the DCRP has never pandered to any donor. I have worked in Dallas County politics for a while and have never even heard the rumor of a donor attaching a string to a Reagan Day Dinner donation. It is a bit insulting to frame our donor support for Reagan Day in those terms.

Through Jennifer’s leadership, we’re doing far more with unpaid volunteers than we have any right to expect. The DCRP has been a purely grassroots effort for the last year and a half. However, we do need donations too. There are things we to buy to make our volunteers work more productively and be able to scale our efforts larger. As one of those volunteers, I can attest to the need. We also must pay the rent and keep the lights on. We have projects that need funding that will help our candidates.

Yes, we need donations. So, where do you think money comes from if not from donors?

This was the Reagan Day Dinner and President Reagan was a tireless Party builder. In the gap between his governorship and running for President, he helped build the Party that ultimately brought victory by two of the largest margins ever. In his spirit, the Reagan Day Dinner is the one opportunity per year that the DCRP uses to raise money for itself to fund our overhead and essentials; to grow our Party.

Many of the seats at the dinner were purchased by our volunteers and Precinct Chairs; few of them would consider themselves wealthy. For most, their tickets to the Reagan Day Dinner were the one check a year that they write to the Party.

Yes, some of the Reagan Day donations came from wealthy people and corporations. Good! We have worked hard for the last year and a half rebuilding support from our donor base both large and small.

The Reagan Day Dinner has a long multi-decade tradition. Thankfully, this year’s was the largest in our history. And, we are still building. I expect next year’s Reagan Day Dinner to be bigger still because of the 2024 election cycle. Donors ... all donors ... will be needed.

For those that didn't attend the Reagan Dinner this year and make a financial donation to the DCRP, please consider it next year!

Personally, I’m grateful to Governor DeSantis for his help with our fundraiser. He prompted us and helped us make it a bigger and better event. He didn’t ask for a dime of our proceeds and all of the money came to the Party. Governor DeSantis and his wife gave generously of their time in both Dallas and Houston to help us build a stronger Republican Party in Texas.

All of our candidates are going to need that strength in 2024.

Clearly, President Trump is your candidate. Good! However, the Regan Day Dinner is the one time a year we should set campaign politics aside for one night and work together for the good of the Party. You clearly think you know who your political enemies are but I’m not sure you are recognizing friends. There is plenty of time before the Texas Primary to campaign for President Trump, just please don’t castigate the Party while you do it.

Bill Anderton
Precinct Chair #2023
Added by mysweetbelinda

Well written, Bill Anderton. ... Congrats to Dallas County Republicans!
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