Blog Article

Oct 21 2022

Share These 8 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Left The Democrat Party With Your Democrat-Voting Friends

Forward by Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu, Dallas County Republican Party Chair: 

As Chair of the Party, people often ask me – Why should I vote Republican?  My first thought is always – How could you possibly vote for the current state of affairs?!  Of course, that is not an adequate response and clearly does not answer the question.  So, I come up with examples of Republican policies that I believe reflect those of the person or group with whom I am speaking.  However, I just ran across (courtesy of Antonio Swad) a fantastic article in The Federalist by a bright young reporter, Eva Duffy, capturing the eight reasons Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrat Party, and I think it really sums up why the majority of Americans really do align with the conservative principles of the Republican Party.  Although I might organize the eight reasons a bit differently, I think they succinctly describe the War between the current Democrat Administration and conservatives.  Please see the article linked below.

Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu
Dallas County Republican Party Chair 

Share These 8 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Left The Democrat Party


About the DCRP Blog: The DCRP Blog is produced and edited in a collaborative effort by Susan Fountain, Executive Director of the Dallas County Republican Party (DCRP) and Bill Anderton, Dallas County Republican Precinct Chair of Precinct 2023. It is published on Fridays and Tuesdays. Some postings are co-authored by the two working together, some are authored individually by each and some are authored by guest authors.

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