Blog Article

Jan 12 2024

Election Integrity Needs You!

By Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu
Dallas County Republican Party

Are you concerned about election integrity?  GET INVOLVED!  We need you to serve as a Judge or Clerk in the upcoming March 5 Primary and the November 2024 Presidential Election.  Do not know what these jobs entail?  No problem – WE WILL TRAIN YOU. 

Here are the general descriptions of each position:

Judge Duties (paid $20/hr): 

  1. Hire election clerks and coordinate work activities
  2. Attend training
  3. Pick up supplies from the assigned Regional Site
  4. Set up of vote center
  5. Oversee Election Day activities
  6. Assist voters with exceptions to standard voting procedures
  7. Complete the required paperwork
  8. Close the vote center
  9. Return supplies and voted ballots to the assigned regional site

Alternate Judge and Election Clerk Duties (paid $16/hr):

  1. Assist the Presiding Judge with setting up the vote center
  2. Complete voter check-ins
  3. Assist voters with election equipment
  4. Assist voters with curbside voting
  5. Assist the Presiding Judge with closing the vote center

An individual is eligible for appointment as a poll worker if that person is 18 years of age or older and registered to vote in Dallas County.

Republicans appoint Republican workers and Democrats appoint Democrat workers.

For the Primary, we still need both Judges and Clerks! Please apply soon because we are scheduling assignments now.

Both the Election Department and the Dallas GOP provide training for election workers. 

For the General Election in November, we will have appointments of all types.

Serving as an election worker is a critical election integrity tool, gets you involved in the process and is fun!  Change will not come from your couch.  Join us in protecting our Republic!  We want to meet you.  Please contact us to get involved by clicking on the button below and filling out the short application. It only takes a couple of minutes.

Click Here to Become and Election Worker


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