Blog Article

Nov 18 2022

A Long-Term Project and Big Leap

As much as we like to win elections, we recognize that Dallas County did not turn blue overnight and it will only turn back to red again if we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, roll up our sleeves and get back to work. 

This is a long-term project, one that liberals took many years to accomplish, while we fooled ourselves into thinking that all we had to do is show up to vote every couple of years.  We have had many contributing volunteers who are blessed with different talents.  This is not a one, two, or three member team.  Over the past 15 months we have accomplished many things for which we are grateful and are very proud of the following:

  1. Reined in our monthly budget, slashing by 1/2; made do with less.
  2. Cleaned our emails, organized them, and confirmed to whom they were going.
  3. Established a previously non-existent communications system to reach the entire Dallas County, not just precinct chairs;
  4.  A major re-design of a severely outdated website we inherited containing information that had not been touched since 2014 and attracted 400 visitors per month. In the last 30 days alone we had 64,000+ unique visitors; and added: a) candidate profiles, b) calendar events for all candidate and Republican club events; c) instructions and directions to sign up as precinct chairs, election judges, alternate judges and clerks, poll watchers, campaign volunteers, office volunteers, event planning; d) listing of all Republican/Conservative Clubs in Dallas County with links to their website and club information e)  Implemented a system of recruiting and assigning over 1,200 presiding judges, alternate judges and clerks to 52 Early Voting Centers 462 Election Day voting centers. 
  5. Participated in the Garland Martin Luther King parade, the Harambe Festival at the Martin Luther King Center, and Cedar Hill's "Country Day on the Hill."
  6. Organized and implemented events highlighting the importance of the Hispanic community.
  7. Organized and implemented a major Reagan Day fundraiser event with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo which allowed the Dallas County Republican Party to retire the $60,000 debt DCRP was left with on July 29, 2021.  This fundraiser allowed us to staff our office and fund operations for a year.
  8. Organized a Candidate Campaign Fair to attract volunteers to help Candidates of their choice.
  9. Organized and implemented a door-hanger campaign for precinct chairs, putting many thousands of candidate flyers, push cards and sample ballots into the homes of voters.
  10. Increased precinct chairs by 100+ in 2021.
  11. Established a Precinct Chair Resource Committee. We now have a precinct chair portal and forum which includes training videos and information and a place to have discussions and exchange ideas that work with each others precinct constituents.
  12. Began implementing long absent structure into our party: 1) training our precinct chairs with GOP Data Center, and Campaign Sidekick; 2) equipping them with data, walk lists, and spreadsheets.
  13. Established an Elections Integrity Committee, tracking data, working with the Elections Administrator, and training over 500 poll watchers.
  14. Recruited new Early Voting Election Workers and offered training in addition to the Dallas County Elections Department training weekly along with manuals and other resources.
  15.  Managed and staffed 462 election day locations  Judges and Alternate Judges in no less than FIVE separate elections held in 2022.  For the first time ever, on November 8, we had a Republican presence in every voting center.  We answered the oft heard complaint:  "I signed up to work but no one ever called."  To our knowledge there was no call unanswered.  We all dove for the phone when it rang.  We needed every single person.

We've taken a major step forward. Come join us in the next steps. We have much for which to be grateful. We live in liberty and freedom in the greatest state of the most amazing country in the world.  We begin the next phase, and becoming an active precinct chair helps us reach that next level.

We wish you a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving

Added by Robert Evenden

This election was fraught with cheating. Some guy was working on the machines in the morning for 45 mins at my sight. I reported it but had no response. Dallas county must confront the fraud or be overwhelmed in the 2024 election. Seth Keshel has compelling numbers showing what is going on in TX. The first thing to do is audit our election. Not a recount but an audit. You’re right it hasn’t turned blue overnight. But it’s experienced cheating and that needs to stop.
Added by bjbrown0696

We thank ALL of you, for your hard work, dedication and attention to details as you pulled and tied up SO many loose ends! Yes, we have more to do and steps to achieve in order to strengthen our Dallas County conservative goals. Keep reminding us of the Constitution and why we all need to stay engaged, striving together toward the purposes laid before us. Again, THANK YOU ALL!!
Added by Susan A Fountain

Dallas County Republican Party remains committed to the removal of all internet connected (EPollbooks) machines from our election process and reverting to paper ballots. Contact your State Legislator and voice your opinion. This has to come in the upcoming 88th Legislative Session beginning January 10, 2023 in Austin. (Reducing Early Voting to 3 days prior to Election Day wouldn't hurt either.)
Added by Bill Anderton

Hi Bob,

Thank you for reporting the issue. Your report was indeed received. I called Wes to confirm it. The Election Integrity Committee and its field operation through the Poll Watchers want and need these reports.

The Dallas County Republican Party took a big step forward in the Poll Watcher organization in terms of recruiting and training this year PLUS a certain amount of systems support. However, we didn't go as far as we wanted/needed to go because of budget constraints. But, it is a continuously developed system. We are even adding new functions for 2023 and again in 2024. These efforts will hopefully make field reporting more visible. The people are manually tracked now but I hope to be able to do them online in the future.

We too would like a full audit BUT it will require legislation to enable them as well as a funding source. The new SB-1 was a move in the right direction but it didn't go anywhere near far enough. Many new bills have been filed this week for the new upcoming Texas legislative session. If you feel strongly enough about the issue, we ALL need to support the best of these bills so they get passed into law and then properly enforced through the Texas Secretary of State.

We work very hard in the whole arena of Election Integrity but the law only allows us to do so much. We need better laws AND we have to seriously look at replacing highly-suspect voting equipment. There is a strong argument for returning to hand-marked paper ballots counted in the precincts.
Added by Bill Anderton

BJBROWN0696 - Thank you for the kind words. And please rest assured that we have only just begun. We will be redoubling our efforts in the coming couple of quarters and then redoubling again.
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