Blog Article

Mar 24 2023

2023 Building the Party and Uniting Republicans for 2024

Goals for 2023:

For the first time ever the Dallas County Republican Party is openly committed to Local Elections for Municipal and School Board races.  It all begins at the local level!  We've gathered a core group of candidates all across Dallas County for which we are proudly supporting to reverse the liberal stranglehold on the City of Dallas and surrounding Dallas County.  We are partnering with local Republican Clubs to provide postcard campaigns promoting our slate of recommended Republican candidates all over Dallas County.  Please contact YOUR club leadership to get involved.  We are providing data and volunteers to candidates! Sign up here to get involved in a candidate race:  Campaign Volunteer  Some races are still lacking an answer to Democrat control but we are on our way to turning Dallas County RED again.  This is not a one-election miracle enfolding, but a focused effort to make a difference over however long it takes.  We choose to stand and fight!  Our website DallasGOP now reaches over 50,000 new Republicans every month to get the latest information to Dallas County and to educate our voters on upcoming elections, events, training, candidates, precinct chairs and getting out the vote.  It all depends on YOU!  Please VOTE during the May 6 Election.

We are continuing to build our election worker team to ensure a Republican presence in every polling location in Dallas County for the May 6 Municipal Election.  We now have an army of over 1,300 Election Judges, Alternate Judges and Clerks along with over 530 trained Poll Watchers to continue the best form of Election Integrity.  Our Election Integrity Committee meets monthly to strategize new ways of restoring faith in our elections in Dallas County, from boots on the ground to working toward legislation to take out black box election machines. We must restore paper ballots with secure, watermarked paper!

We now have a focus on organizing conservative high school students under the banner of a national organization called "High School Republicans", an effort to bring back the youth vote by promoting the value system of the Republican Party vs liberal ideologies and 'wokeness'.  Our inaugural meeting will be held on Sunday, April 2 at 1:30pm at GOP Headquarters and open to all Dallas County high school students and their parents who want to know more about for what the Republican Party stands.  BarBQ lunch will be served at 1:30pm ahead of the 2:00 pm meeting  Please RSVP here:  BBQ HighSchool Students 4-2-2023 We need an RSVP to ensure enough food for all.  For more information about HSReps, please go to their website:  HSReps Sparked by one high school student who found no support for this at his local RISD high school, this endeavor will be an ongoing educational process and seeks to reverse the liberal indoctrination of our high school students and provide a safe environment for them to meet and exchange ideas while they grow into a strong organization.  Please join this effort to help guide our children back to the path of conservativism. 

We continue to recruit and train precinct chairs all over Dallas County! Our team is growing to reach out to voters in their precincts and provide information about upcoming elections and candidate events.  We now have a Precinct Chair Resource Committee which provides the latest and greatest tools to make our team successful to get out Republican voters.  Ongoing training and data are provided every month.

We have a team of 40 Deputy Voter Registrars ready to come to your church, synagogue or mosque following Saturday or Sunday services to register new voters!  Please speak to your pastor or rabbi and contact our office to arrange a voter registration event!  This will be ongoing throughout 2023.  Dallas County Republican Party representatives will come and speak to your group to show them how to get informed and involved and make a difference in Dallas County.

We are all on the same team!  Come join us!  We need YOU!

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