Blog Article

Nov 12 2024

Texas Gets Redder, Again. Now, Let's Make Dallas County Redder!

Democrats have not won a state-wide election in many years, mainly due to statewide conservative rural areas, which offset the 5 largest blue counties.  Yet they are vowing to get up again and get to work TODAY intent on turning Texas blue! This is how the Democrats turned Dallas County blue...slowly and surely over the last 25+- years.  If nothing else they are very patient.  There were some conservative victories.  All eight of the Court of Appeals candidates recruited under Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu's leadership, including the new Chief Justice of the Fifth Court of Appeals, Justice JJ Koch won, and Republicans now dominate the 13 Panel Court.  And Dallas County Republicans managed to keep its two incumbent Texas House Districts, District 108 and District 112, in spite of unprecedented opposition from members of the Dallas County Republican Party. God bless every one of you who put a sign in your yard, block walked for Republicans or helped in any way to get out the vote!  We worked hard Trump won, but in Dallas County, Democrats swept almost every race.

Our days of complacency and voter apathy cannot continue!  Today we MUST remain focused and begin working on the upcoming City Council and School Board races.  We need great qualified candidates to run for every place on the ballot.  These critical local races begin filing mid-January thru mid-February.  The leadership in the City of Dallas is a mess.  Dallas County citizens are being treated like blank checks.  We must do a better job registering more right of center voters. The left are registering newly sworn in US Citizens as voters down at the Federal Courthouse every week and handing them indoctrinating propaganda. We must also be down there and hand out the other side of the story; the truth.  We must teach them about the evils of Marxism, Socialism and globalism. The more we know, the more we want to know and to get citizens involved in local government.  With Trump and a conservative Administration now at the helm, this is the perfect time to reach out to all citizens and make our case.

Come help us on the next challenge:  flipping the liberals off of the Dallas City Council and School Boards!  Help us find qualified candidates who are ready to step up, no matter where in Dallas County you live.  Now is the time to begin attending School Board, City Council and County Commissioners Court meetings!  There may be no Rs or Ds on the School Board and City Council ballots in May, 2025 but rest assured we will be pointing the way toward radical liberals and those who are more conservative.  You HAVE to know your candidate's ideologies.  There is no such thing as a non-partisan election.  Dallas County Republicans United PAC's mission is to support all Republican candidates in Dallas County. It should be yours also. Please share this mission with us and forward this challenge to our Republican voters within your circle of influence. Come and join us!

Would You Like to Be a Candidate?

If you have interest in running for a local office, we would love to speak with you. Of course, there is no commitment on your part right now, just an expression of your interest and some discussion.

If you would like to talk, click on the button below and fill out the short form.

Yes, I Have Interest in Running for a Local Office

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