Lessons From a

Failing State

by Tina Peterson
Guest Writer


In 2016, Venezuela had 30.7 million people but became engulfed in political and economic crises, which led to more than 7.7 million people leaving the country. How did this oil-rich country, which used to be the third-richest country in the hemisphere, get into so much trouble? In the recent Presidential election, Venezuela’s opposition party alleges massive government corruption. It has been widely reported that Maduro had used fraud and physical force to retain power when all polls showed the opposition party and candidate had won. There are reports of ballot boxes being seized and burned.


Further, as Red State reported today, "Kamala Harris and Joe Biden had different ideas. While the press will no doubt bury the story, the current administration was at the center of this fraudulent election, having handed Maduro sanctions relief in exchange for "free and fair elections."  Sounds like a great deal in exchange for only a hollow promise. Just two weeks before the elections, Kamala and Joe throw Maduro a bone and a boatload of economic benefits. Figures, I guess; leftists supporting leftists.



The Dallas County Republicans United PAC

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Dallas, TX 75231


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