Website Support

Website Support

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Apple Mail Issues On iPhones and iPads for all Email From the Website

Please Note: As of August 8, 2023, this issue has been solved. Apple has shown no interest in fixing their bug (it still persists in their latest updates) and we got tired of waiting. So, to serve our constituents, we built a special e-mail transport stream that bypasses the bug. The bug in Apple Mail still exists but our newly implemented fix bypasses it entirely. Apple Mail users DO NOT have to do anything to benefit. Your DCRP mail viewed on Apple Mail will, going forward, can be viewed normally.

This bug report will remain for historical purposes.

There is a known issue with displaying any mail from our web server on iPhones and iPads (iOS devices). The problem has been isolated to a known bug within the Apple Mail e-mail reader application. Apple currently does not have a fix for this problem.

The problem can be recreated in the lab and is repeatable. Unfortunately, the problem will persist until Apple fixes the bug in its software. The problem isn’t with us, end-users' e-mail providers or the iPhone/iPad device itself. It is uniquely and specifically in the Apple Mail e-mail reader app (software.)

Apple currently doesn’t have a fix for this problem either locally in its Genius Bar in its stores or nationally through Apple Support. They don’t know when the bug will be fixed. After discussions with Apple, I don't expect a fix to the forthcoming in the near future.

Fortunately, there is a simple workaround that can be used until Apple fixes its bug. Simply download the "Outlook for iPhone" e-mail reader application in the Apple App Store (or any of the other e-mail reader apps) until such time as Apple patches the issue. The Outlook application does not exhibit the problem. It is free and doesn't require any changes to your mail server or mail provider. It takes less than two minutes to download, install and configure. When Apple fixes its bug, you can return to using the Apple Mail app.

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Check Your SPAM Filtering For Our E-Mail

With so much SPAM in the e-mail streams today, many consumer-grade e-mail services and products are getting very aggressive with their filtering. This produces a lot of false positives where good e-mail is filtered.

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